Training has always been and will continue to be a crucial focus in all industries. Our versatile and comprehensive program offers in-depth instruction on applicable regulations and safe operation of Class 2 narrow aisle forklifts. It includes a combination of theory learning and hands-on exercises, making it suitable for operators at any skill level.
Phase 1 – Theory Training:
Rules and regulations
Types of forklifts
Main parts and functions
Forklift safety
Center of gravity
Stability triangle/pyramid
Safe operation and shutdown procedures
Phase 2 – Theory Evaluation: Upon completion of the theory portion, participants will undergo a knowledge review test comprising multiple-choice, true/false, and essay-type questions. These tests are graded, returned to participants, and reviewed to ensure proper retention. A minimum score of 70% is required to pass. Please note that individuals facing difficulties with English or written tests must either bring an interpreter or inform us in advance to address any potential challenges.
Phase 3 – Practical Training: Participants will be guided through the pre-use inspection, machine controls, and safe operating procedures. They will then have the opportunity to practice under the supervision and guidance of the program trainer.
Phase 4 – Practical Evaluation: Participants will be assessed on their skill level and individually evaluated using the equipment in a series of skill-reinforcing scenarios. Following the evaluation, participants will receive a debriefing about their performance and have the opportunity to address any issues. Each participant's records will be provided to the employer (or participant) upon completion of the program.
Supplementary handouts
Wallet card certification (issued upon successful completion)